Incorporating ICTs in an ICT deficient school

Not all schools can have the fancy interactive whiteboards, iPads and laptops but they make do with what they have. This is what I had to do while out on prac. The technology that I had available to me included a Data Projector, a computer lab session once a week and the kids’ calculators and we definitely made do. I managed to make the data projector interactive for students with the use of a wireless mouse, we used our calculators for counting up to and beyond 1000, we utilised the computer lab in our allotted time to learn how to construct an information report using PowerPoint and I took my own trusty laptop with built-in camera and microphone to enable my reading group to do an oral reading assessment using Moo-o. While I was initially apprehensive about the lack of ICTs, with a little forward thinking, it all worked out beautifully in the end.

About tamarals

I am a pre-service teacher studying at USQ. This blog follows my journey through the course EDC3100 ICT and Pedagogy
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